course name
Preparing Interns for the Job Market - UAT 4-3-2024(PIJMU)

Application Period


Course Details:

People are the most important resource in both the Public Sector (caps lock to remain consistent) and the Private Sector. To recruit the best human resources from all sections of the population, several laws have been established to address unequal access to employment opportunities. These laws prescribe procedures to be followed in recruiting, selecting and appointing people with talent and potential.

The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 (Chapter 10) prescribes the principles of openness and fairness in recruiting, selecting and appointing people into Public Service. Public Service vacancies are externally advertised in sources such as newspapers, circulars at respective service delivery sites, employment and online agencies, and libraries. Before starting we need to differentiate between the public and the private sector

The Public (government) Sector comprises organisations involved in governing the country, including provinces and municipalities that provide services to all members of the population (public).

The Private Sector is owned by private citizens. Owners could be shareholders, partners or sole traders. In most cases, private organisations are started by individuals to satisfy society’s needs (customers) and by doing so they generate profit that will provide the owners with a return for their investment.


This course will be conducted over one day using an interactive facilitation style. You will be required to complete individual written activities, group work and participate in discussions.

On completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Describe recruitment, selection and appointment in public service institutions.
  2. Describe the conditions of service performance management and development in Public Service institutions.
  3. Identify and develop skills and techniques to apply for positions of employment in Public Service institutions.